Answer "yes" to any of these questions and a review may be needed. Changes in Your Family Yes No Has a member of the family become Is a child or grandchild expected or Has a parent, child or grandchild passed Health Changes Yes No Has your health or that of your spouse Have you or your spouse, parent, child Lifestyle Changes Yes No Would you like to understand what Do you expect to change your Do you plan to travel extensively during Do you plan to live elsewhere for part Are you considering changing your plans Are you considering the acquisition of Investment Portfolio Yes No Do you know if your portfolio is Does your investment portfolio need Are you satisfied with the investment Have you realized significant capital Do you have more than 20% ownership Would you like to consider alternatives for Are you interested in becoming informed Are you interested in learning about tax Changes in Assets Yes No Has the value of some of your assets Have you or are you considering acquiring Have you received or do you expect to receive an inheritance in the near future? ____ ____ Do you anticipate receipt of a substantial Employer Plans Yes No Have you increased or decreased your Have you exercised stock options or made Have you received or do you expect to Do you know how to select the investment Life Insurance Yes No Do you have questions about whether or Do you have questions about the type of Are the beneficiary arrangements for your Other Insurance Yes No Would you like to understand long-term Is your disability income insurance coverage Estate Planning Yes No Do you have questions concerning estate Do you know how estate taxes are calculated? ____ ____ Do you know whether or not your estate is Would you like to consider making gifts of Would you like to learn about how you can Do you need a referral to an attorney to Business Interests Yes No Do you own a business? ____ ____ Do you have a succession in place if you Have you or do you expect to sell or acquire Do you need to establish a retirement plan Do you need a review of your executive Do you need to review your benefit plans
Your thoughtful review of the items below will help you determine if you need to initiate an in-depth review of your financial affairs.
Answer "yes" to several of these questions and you may need to take action immediately.
married, divorced, separated or is seriously
contemplating such action? ____ ____
has been born, adopted or acquired
by marriage recently? ____ ____
away or become terminally ill recently? ____ ____
changed sufficiently enough to affect
your planning, lifestyle or attitudes? ____ ____
or grandchild become incapacitated,
handicapped or seriously injured and
needs or will need special care? ____ ____
financial impact retirement will have ____ ____
on you?
residence due to transfer, retirement
or a personal relocation? ____ ____
the next year? ____ ____
of the year? ____ ____
for retirement? ____ ____
a retirement or vacation home? ____ ____
appropriate? ____ ____
analysis? ____ ____
returns you have been getting? ____ ____
gains/losses for this year? ____ ____
in one investment (mutual fund, stock
options, partnership, business, etc.)? ____ ____
investment of your liquid assets (i.e,
Money Market, T-bills)? ____ ____
about 529 College Plans for your children
or grandchildren? ____ ____
efficient investing? ____ ____
changed significantly in the last year? ____ ____
or disposing of real estate holdings? ____ ____
bonus or other employee benefits? ____ ____
percentage of contributions to your
retirement plan or do you wonder if you
should? ____ ____
thrift plan withdrawals? ____ ____
receive a lump sum distribution from a
401(k) or pension plan because of a
buy-out, retirement or layoff? ____ ____
choices available to you in your employer
provided retirement plan? ____ ____
not you should add or reduce your life
insurance? ____ ____
life insurance you should have? ____ ____
life insurance correct and tax efficient? ____ ____
care insurance for yourselves and/or your
parents including the costs and options
available to you? ____ ____
adequate? ____ ____
planning? ____ ____
arranged such that a minimal amount of
estate tax will be owed? ____ ____
property or cash to minor or adult children,
grandchildren or other family members? ____ ____
use a charitable gift to provide an income
for life to you and your spouse? ____ ____
update your Will, Trust, Power of Attorney
or Living Wills? ____ ____
retire, become incapacitate or die? ____ ____
a business? ____ ____
for your business? ____ ____
benefits? ____ ____
including your retirement plan? ____ ____